Passive Design
We feel strongly towards building homes ensuring adequate thermal comfort is achieved without resorting to traditional heating or cooling systems.
To do so, we take into consideration:
Air Tightness
We use leading edge construction methods and high quality membrane products to ensure highly sealed exterior walls, roof, windows and floor. This will reduce drafts and provide you will a comfortable indoor environment all year round.
Thermal Insulation
Warm in winter and cool in summer with no heating or cooling systems? Sounds hard to believe, but with experience in passive house building principals, this is what 90 Degree is proud of achieving.
Mechanical Ventilation Heat Recovery
Indoor air quality impacts our health and well-being. When building well insulated, airtight homes it is even more important to have suitably designed ventilation systems that deliver fresh air. HRV systems not only improve air quality but also reduce condensation and mould problems.
High Performance Windows & Doors
Windows and doors play a massive role in passive house building. Using airtight double glazing minimises heat loss, warming the interior in colder months and reduces radiation in warmer months. Double glazed windows are also great for blocking out unwanted noise entering the home.
Passive Solar Design
Pivotal to 90 Degree's resource-efficient and sustainable ethos is our commitment to passive solar design. Climate responsive, our quality homes are designed for comfort, taking advantage of natural light while collecting, storing and distributing solar energy to ensure your abode is maintained at a pleasant temperature all year round.